Sunday, December 28, 2014

Some ball games we play here in Dublin

There is a big Soccer field in front of our home and we spend our leisure time playing soccer there with our neighbours: Ali, Kai, Cameron, Une, David, Daniel, Ben and ... In Iran we played just football matches even when  there are a few people. But here in Dublin, we play other games related to football with each other. I explain two of the games as follows:

1) Heads and Volleys 
The game is actually easy and fun. You have to either score a Header or a Volley so that the keeper can't collect it and if he does, you will go in (the goal). That means one player crosses the ball into the box where the players use the chance and score. If you score by shooting a ball low, you will go in the goal. This also happens if the Ball goes out and you miss. If the keeper concedes 5 goals or more, (here comes the funny thing!!) you have to turn around and show your butt!! Then every other player has to shoot the ball into the poor keeper's butt!! It's really hard to hit it exactly!

2) Five in in
We played this game in Iran but the Irish version is a bit different. At first, someone will go in the goal and the other players have to score goals but they can't pass the ball and have to be aware of others catching the ball and scoring. The one who scores 5 goals will go in (the goal) and this is where the odd name of the game comes from. 5 (goals) in (will go) in (the goal)
Playing these games are really fun and our neighbours and I would go out and play more if the weather wouldn't be rainy and wet...

Friday, December 26, 2014

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Christmas holidays so far

The Thursday just past was the last day of school in 2014! It was also the last day of school before Christmas holidays. Today is the 4th day of our Christmas holidays and of course I'm enjoying it so far. I had planned to go to the Library everyday of the Holidays but unfortunately the weather is too cold and windy and (I rarely make it to wake up at 8 o clock in the morning!!). Instead (sometimes) I help my Mom cleaning the house or taking care of my brother.
There is one week and 5 days left so I have loads of time to have fun (and help my parents in boring stuff!!) I will plan to do something useful in my free time so at the end of the Holidays I can say that I used my time in a good way.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

My Exams at School

During the year, I have 2 main exams: Christmas exams and Summer exams. 
The reports are very important and will go into the main report at the end of the school year. The Christmas exams are even more important. They are the main part of the final report. Unfortunately, my Christmas exams begin in a week. I've missed a lot and I have to study harder in order to get high marks in the exams. It's also harder for me because I don't have any experiences in the exams and don't know a lot about the questions coming up in the exams. The next Friday, I have 2 hard exams: History and Geography.
These two subjects are my favorite subjects in the school but the point is, We are learning about the History and Geography of Ireland and not the rest of the world. Anyway, I hope that I will do well in the exams. 
But the good thing is, after the last exam, I have two more than two weeks holiday and I could enjoy my free time. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

How I'm doing in the school

I am settling well in the school and I've made some smart and nice friends so far. My classes are all good and English is my favorite class. I also like History and I'm doing very well in the exams, even though I am learning the lessons in the language that isn't my mother tongue. I'm now getting better marks than a half of our class that are all Irish. I've done 3 History exams so far and have got three 100%s in a row and one 97%. That's pretty good I think.
I am now doing German as my second language in the school. I'm better than everyone else in the class of course, but I've noticed that I've got a lot of regression in German. I have really forgotten a lot of things in German. Unfortunately if you don't revise or use a language in a long time like I did, you will forget even basic stuff. I hope that by writing in my German Blog, I would improve my German again. 
I will choose Art and maybe Technichal Graphics as my options, I like Art and our Art teacher says that I'm talented in drawing.
This was a short summery about how I'm doing in the school and subjects. Next week our Christmas exams begin. They are quite difficult and even trickier for me, since I've missed two months and the exams are in english.